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30 Jul
Press release

Homo Faber // Fashion Inside and Out

Fashion pays homage to craftsmanship at Homo Faber If craftsmanship were a muse for the fashion industry, what would it inspire?

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Some of Europe’s most talented fashion designers, stylists and artisans will be part of a celebration of craftsmanship in the fashion industry in the exhibit Fashion Inside and Out as part of Homo Faber in Venice this September.

Using craftsmanship itself as her muse, renowned exhibition-maker Judith Clark will demonstrate the importance of craftsmanship in contemporary fashion, revealing not only the artisanal skills required to create wonderful clothing and accessories but the craftsmanship involved in exhibition-making itself.

While the fashion industry often focuses on the cult of the star designer, with makers remaining in the shadows, this exhibit will instead celebrate the essential collabora ...

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