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16 Ago
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Homo Faber // Workshop Exclusives

Homo Faber reveals how man and machine are uniting to shape the transport of the future All across Europe passionate artisans are working with new technologies to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the field of transport.

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Great technological innovations have made – and will continue to make – a huge impact on our ability to travel, but craftsmanship remains a vital part of transport’s future. Without the passion of artisans there would be no one striving to make the most advanced e-bike ever created; without dialogue between inventor and customer there would be no one pushing boundaries to make a helicopter that can fulfil even the most fanciful desires; without the fantastical vision of a motorbike enthusiast all bikes would look the same.

Curated by Stefano Micelli, the exhibit Workshop Exclusives showcases the contribution European artisans make to bespoke transportation and the value this gives to these vehicles. On a continent ...

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